Tarfurgo OÜ is a company founded in 1997, specializing in truck superstructures (vans) and converting vans to isothermal. The company's clients are primarily located in Scandinavia and the Baltic States. We manufacture custom-made vans, including ADR (dangerous goods) vans. Our product range includes light vans, lightly insulated vans, FNA and FRC vans, and side-opening vans. As a secondary activity, the company also installs and sells refrigeration units, tail lifts, and other accessories.
The company's production facilities are located in the village of Õssu, Kambja Parish, near Tartu, where they moved in November 2018. The production of vans is carried out in different work centers – separate centers for cutting panels, gluing panels, welding frames, painting, assembly, and installation of accessories. The company has implemented and uses the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system.
Tarfurgo's mission is to offer customers high-quality truck superstructures that best meet their needs.
Tarfurgo's vision is to become the quality leader in truck superstructure manufacturing in Scandinavia and the Baltic States.

For any inquiries or questions please use the following contact information:
Ain Veemees
Sales Manager
Tel: +372 5333 7524
General information
Pihlapuu 7, Õssu,
61713 Kambja parish,
Tartumaa, Estonia
Tel. +372 524 4229
© 2019 by Tarfurgo